Monday, February 7, 2011


First blog post. I suppose this should all start with a mild explanation. So here it goes:

My last name, I swear to all that is good and holy, is Turnipseed.

If you're going to laugh, now is the time. Get it all out. I've been called "Seed", and most recently, "Turnips". My mother met my father in church when she was in high school. Looking back, she claims that marrying him was a bit of karma, considering she laughed out loud during after sermon announcements when she first heard his last name.  I, however, have been born a Turnipseed. Who knows, at this rate, I may die a Turnipseed.  But that's another story.

I love the sunshine. I love days that I can sit down with a good book. I love spending time reading my Bible and talking to God. I love to cook.  I love attempting to be crafty and artsy, despite the fact that it never works out correctly. I'm an undercover fantasy and anime nerd. I love staying up til 3AM getting to know someone I've barely noticed beforehand. I love LOVE.

I will be blogging about faith, fashion, exercise, college events, music, cooking, dating, and my life in general.

Turnips OUT.

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