Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sitting here on this beautiful snowy evening, I realized that I'm almost halfway done with the best semester of my life.  So I thought I'd make a Top 10 list of the things that I'm exceedingly grateful for in 2011 :)

1) The Lord. I'm thankful to be the blessed, beautiful, and beloved daughter of the King. Despite it's ups and downs, my work-in-progress prayer life has been a constant source of comfort and guidance for the past month. ""For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Luke 12:34

2) My new apartment and roommate. After an absolutely dreadful room situation last semester, I feel so blessed to have a beautiful 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment with Courtney. We have our own space, yes, but we generally just crash in the living room doing homework, or more often than not, watching girly movies. (Unfortunately, the picture is much swankier than the reality)

3) Snow Days. There's just nothing so satisfying as waking up to find your classes canceled and the world covered in a sparkly white blanket. Rhodes is somehow even more magical in the snow. I'm convinced it brings out everyone's inner 5 year old :)
4) After Christmas sales. I just purchased a formal dress from Express that I've had my eye on for months. Only cost me $11.99. Epic victory against the world of fashion merchandising markups? I think so :D

5) Sex and the City. I'd never watched it before this year and, courtesy of Netflix, Courtney and I have been working our way through all the episodes. The trust and companionship shared between these four women is remarkable and inspiring. We just finished Season 3, and I've already had so many of what I call "Aha! Moments". Most notably, a week ago I realized something about my most recent ex, who here I'll call Whack-A-Mole. I'd spent the nearly six months we've been broken up convinced he was my Mr.Big, when in reality, he was only Ray. Um....BREAKTHROUGH!

6) Working out. I'm so incredibly grateful to have developed a love for exercise. Prior to this year, you wouldn't have caught me dead near a gym. I was of the school of thought that if I wasn't being chased by a mad axeman, running was to be avoided at all costs.But now I run at least a mile daily, go to various aerobics classes, eat healthy food, and even do crunches voluntarily. And it feels FANTASTIC! My clothes are fitting better, I feel great, and for the first time in my life, I have abs! I've even training for my first 5k in April. Will keep you posted on how that goes >.<

7) New friends. I've made some fantastic new friends in 2011. Between New Year's Conference, Tuesday Fellowship, and the Vue, I've met some people that I know will be a significant positive influence on my life. So to my new, sweet friends, I love you already.

8) New Bleach episodes. Don't get me wrong, I'm as normal as anyone is. But I have a mild Bleach obsession. For those of you who are more traditional in your television preferences, Bleach is an anime/manga following the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki, a normal teenage boy who through a twist of fate becomes a substitute soul reaper: one who shepherds those who die into the afterlife in the Soul Society. Long story short, there have been a lot of filler (non-plot) episodes recently, and I'm super pumped that we're now back on track. Getsuga Tenshou!

9) The recent floral fashion trend. Yep. I stopped into the mall last week to return a shirt, and couldn't help but stop into Claire's on the way out. Naturally, thirty minutes later I had re-spent all of the money I'd gotten back from returning the shirt and then some. I scooped up a pretty little floral hair flower for $6.50, and I'm just in love with it. My next purchase will be a dress of some sort. Perhaps one of theses :)

10) The strength to cope with Valentine's Day.  This one I owe all back to numero uno, God. I'm so grateful that He's giving me the confidence in Him and myself to be absolutely fine on what is going to be my first Valentine's Day single in six years. I've spent the past six months giving my heart back to the One who made it. I praise You for Your unceasing love. When I received a Facebook invite to speed dating on V-day, I laughingly hit "Not Attending". Not only because attending would be akin to social suicide, but because I know You've got a great guy out there for me, and we'll find each other in Your perfect timing. February 14th
can suck it!

Happy 2011, everyone!

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